Ijevan Branch of Yerevan State University



 On February 14th, 2019, the workers of YSUIB Professional Education Quality Assurance Department had a meeting with the University professorial staff.

The meeting aimed to discuss the version of the “Course Assessment Questionnaire” developed by the Department, which was sent to the departments in advance, to find out the opinions and suggestions of the lecturers on the questionnaire.

The head of Professional Education Quality Assurance Department Marieta Tchagharyan mentioned that with the questionnaire presented for discussion students will evaluate the professional knowledge for obtaining skills and abilities, make generalizations and conclusions of the professional sphere, and the ability to connect the information obtained from different training courses.

The lecturer will provide the questionnaire to the students at the end of the very course. The survey is anonymous, which will enable students to express their opinions freely.

The analysis of students’ sincere and objective responses will enable the lecturer.

  • monitor and review the effectiveness of his/her training program or its separate sections
  • objectively study and analyze the results of the course
  • highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the course
  • improve the course

The meeting was in an engaging and interactive atmosphere.

The participants expressed their opinion on the quantity, content and formulations of the questions presented in the questionnaire.

The lecturers suggested to reduce the number of questions (up to 10), combine some questions and simplify some formulations to make them more understandable.

Several lecturers suggested conducting a survey with students with a specific sample. There was also a suggestion that, based on the general example of the questionnaire, the lecturers, based on the specificity of their course, should develop their questionnaire.

6-7 questions were approved by the lecturers and they suggested that these questions should certainly be included in the final version of the assessment questionnaire.

At the end of the meeting, Ms. Tchagaryan proposed to discuss the questionnaire once again and submit suggestions to the Professional Education Quality Assurance department (within 2-3 days), where the final version of the questionnaire will be formed based on all proposals and opinions.

The Department aims to test the final version of the course assessment questionnaire by the end of February for a number of different training programs for the 1st semester to determine the level of student perception of questionnaire.