Ijevan Branch of Yerevan State University

Armine Adamyan – The manifestation of neoromanticism in the works of D. Va­rou­jan

Armine Adamyan The manifestation of neoromanticism in the works of D. Va­rou­jan. – D. Varoujan is one of the famous representatives of Western Armenian li­te­ra­ture.

  1. Varoujan’s works are observed in the panorama of the Armenian Neo­ro­man­ti­cism at the beginning of the 20th century. He enriched the new romanticism with the best attributes of various literary schools. Many elements of the pagan life are found in poet’s second collection, ’’The Heart of the Race’’. Varoujan wrote a whole new cycle of poems ’’Pagan Songs’’. It’s a splendid hymn to life in luscious, glittering imagery, fusing co­lors of the East and the art of the West.

’’Pagan Songs’’ is one of the most typical expressions of the Armenian Neo­ro­man­ti­cism. The new romantic tendencies at the beginning of the 20th century were ori­gi­nal­ly expressed in Varoujan’s whole works.

