Ijevan Branch of Yerevan State University

Gevorg Emin-Teryan – Vahan Teryan’s letters in Poghos Makinsyan’s archives

Gevorg Emin-Teryan – Vahan Teryan’s letters in Poghos Makinsyan’s archives.Af­ter Vahan Teryan’s death his friend of student years Poghos Makintsyan has started col­lec­ting heritage of the poet, motivating that he will publish them in the future. How­e­ver, after the publication of the four part book, Makintsyan has not passed the archives to the State Museum. In the article are studied the real reasons of Makintsyan’s such kind of behavior and also the fragments of the letters which Makintsyan`s daughter ag­reed to publish. Besides, in the article are shown falsifications, which are consistently per­for­med by Makintsyan family for nearly a century.
