Ijevan Branch of Yerevan State University

Hayk Hakobyan – Some peculiarity of the phenomenon of the remission of sin in the medieval sources.

Hayk Hakobyan – Some peculiarity of the phenomenon of the remission of sin in the medieval sources.Remission of sins is a continaution of repetance, which is one of the seven sacraments of the Armenian Apostolic Church. For the remission of the sins of believers were subjected not only to the spiritual punishment – abstinence, de­pri­va­tion of the Eucharist, and so on – but also to material punishment.

  1. All the material “apology” officially were carried voluntary.
  2. In the case of the Armenian Apostolic and the Georgian Orthodox Church, the names of the donors, as well as the fact of their volunteer donations were re­cor­ded in the form of epigraphic and bibliographic sources, as in the Roman Ca­tho­lic Church in indulgences.
  3. In the case of our Church, remission of sins occurred in the form of the Liturgy, du­ring which the universal confession, which is basically inherent in us and Eas­tern churches.
  4. Both in the West and in the East in response to the remission of sins donations be­gan to be done with 11th century, their number increased in 13-12 centuries, and in the West in much the less extent are continueing till now.
  5. As in Armenian Apostolic and Catholic Churches, the price of the remission of sins was exactly established.
