Երևանի պետական համալսարանի Իջևանի մասնաճյուղ

ԵՊՀ Իջևանի մասնաճյուղի ինստիտուցիոնալ կարողությունների ինքնավերլուծություն – 2013

ԵՊՀ Իջևանի մասնաճյուղի ինստիտուցիոնալ կարողությունների ինքնավերլուծություն – 2013





Appendix 1.1. List of professions, examinations and positions for 2013 admission for full-time study at YSU IB

Appendix 2.1. YSU IB structure

Appendix 2.2. A map of location of members involved in the organizational structure

Appendix 3.1. The education programs of the professions, students’ number, and professional staff (according to the results of April, 2013)

Appendix 3.2. The overall picture of the education program of the profession

Appendix 3.3. A map of the final results of the professional program “French Language and Literature” and that of education modules with their final results

Appendix 3.4. A comparative analysis of the education program of the profession

  1. Combinability with the national circle of Qualifications  (based on the example of the courses “Applied Mathematics and Physics”)
  2. The comparative analysis of the education program of the profession according to the conception being formed (based on the example of the courses “Pedagogy and Psychology”)

Appendix 3.5. The overall picture of education program

Appendix 3.6. The methods of teaching and learning, selected by education programs reviewed by new standards and maps of the results expected for the courses and teaching

a) The methods of teaching and learning, selected by education programs reviewed by new standards (based on the examples of  professions “Armenian Language and Literature,” “French Language and Literature”)

b) maps of the results expected for the courses and teaching (based on the examples of the professions “Armenian Language and Literature,” “French Language and Literature,” “Theory of Economics”)

c) The results of the education programs of the professions and the corresponding grading methods (based on the example of the professions “Applied Mathematics,” “Service” and “Pedagogy and Psychology”)

Appendix 3.7. Summary of interview results

  1. The results of the interviews of the students about their satisfaction in the knowledge received in YSU IB (2012)
  2. The results of the interviews about the opinions of the exterior partners of YSU IB (2011)
  3. The results of the opinions of the exterior partners’ branch (school teachers) about the pedagogical practicum of the students (February, 2013)

Appendix 3.8. The results of the interviews of the students and professors about YSU IB students’ knowledge evaluation (2013)

a) The results of the interviews of professors about YSU IB students’ knowledge evaluation

b) The results of the interviews of students about YSU IB students’ knowledge evaluation

c) The results of the interviews of professors about the system of multiple-stage evaluations as a method of raising the objectiveness of the evaluation

d) The results of the interviews of students about the system of multiple-stage evaluations as a method of raising the objectiveness of the evaluation

e) The opinions of the professors about forming examination grade of the students

f) The opinion of the students about their own grades for the examinations.

g) The results of the opinions of the professors about the effectiveness of testing system in raising the objectiveness of grading

h) The results of the opinions of the students about the effectiveness of testing system in raising the objectiveness of grading

i) Suggestions about other possible options in the interviews of YSU IB students and professors about the current grading system of the students’ knowledge

Appendix 3.9. Comparative analyses of professional education programs according to structure, credit distribution and professional education section

  1. Benchmarking according to the education programs structure
  2. Benchmarking according to credit distribution of education program sections (2012-2013)
  3. The comparative analysis of general educational sections for the profession “Applied Art”

Appendix 4.1. Student gathering, selection and admission

a) The number of the students in higher educational institutions according to education programs and education types

b) Student movements (student movement during the last 5 years)

c) Continuous education

d) Dismissals and recoveries

Appendix 6.1. the number of publications of the teaching staff of the university for the last 5 years

a) Contents of the publications in the professional journals of CIS countries

b) Contents of publications in foreign professional journals

c) Contents of publications in RA professional journals

d) Works or reports published with authorship or co-authorship of the students.