Ամբիոնի վարիչ, դոցենտ
The Chair of General Mathematics and Natural Sciences was formed in 2014; on the bases of the Chair of “Higher Mathematics and Informatics”, “General Physics” and “Forestry”.
The Head of the Department is G. S. Simonyan; Candidate of Chemistry, Associate Professor, since 1 September, 2018.
The chair serves all Faculties of YSU Ijevan branch.
Research works are carried out in the following topics: “Complex and Functional Analysis. Continuous linear operators on a function space”.
Address: RA Tavush region, Ijevan, Usanoghakan 3, YSU Ijevan branch, The Chair of General Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Tel.: (+37493) 37-88-29
E-mail: kmbib@ysu.am, gevorg.simonyan@ysu.am , sim.gev@mail.ru