- Main
- Faculty
- Faculty of applied arts
- The Chair of Decorative-Applied Art and Design
The Chair of Decorative-Applied Art and Design was formed in 1992. The first Head of Department was Vardanyan G., then K. Mkhitaryan (1994), professor, member of RA Designers Union S. Mughnecyan (2002), H. Mkhitaryan (2008).
From 2011 up to 2014, the Head of Chair was Rafik G. Bughdaryan. Since 2015, Martin V. Harutyunyan, member of Designers International Association, assistant, has benn the acting Head of Department.
Since 2019, PhD, Associate professor Lilit Fljyan is the head of the Chair.
The following lecturers made a great contribution in the formation of the Chair: professors of RA Academy of Fine Arts, members of RA Designers Union, Azat Leyloyan, Lenmir Baghdasaryan, Karlen Avetisyan, Iosif Babayan, Stepan Mughnetsyan, member of RA Artists’ Union, professor Henrik Mamyan.
The Chair provides education for students of “Applied Art” and “Design” Faculties.
The Chair staff has organized and takes part in group, thematic and various exhibitions.
The Chair of Decorative- Applied Art and Design promotes the maintenance, development and spread of national old and new crafts.
Address: RA Tavush region, Ijevan, Usanoghakan 3, YSU Ijevan branch, The Chair of Decorative-Applied Art and Design