Ex-officio members of the Academic Council

1Otaryan Mher MeruzhaniYSU IB Director, Candidate of Economic Studies, (President of the Academic Council)
2Atoyan Mher SergeyiCandidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Associate professor, Secretary of the Academic Council
3Aghababyan Vahan ArshakiDean of the Faculty of Applied Arts, Candidate of philological sciences, Associate professor
4Margaryan Alexan ShamiliDean of the Faculty of Economics, Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Associate professor
5Poghosyan Karine  PoghosiDean of the Faculty of Humanities, Candidate of philological sciences, Associate professor

Invited members of the Academic Council

6Barkhudaryan Rafayel HrayriVice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics
7Ghushchyan Narek AghasuDeputy governor of Tavush region

Members of the Academic Council appointed by the Director

8Makaryan Anushavan HaykaramiAdvisor of YSU IB Director, Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Associate professor
9Davtyan Arkadi TsolakiHead of the Educational-Methodological Department
10Abazyan Narine ZhoraiHead of the Human Resources Management and Legal  Assurance Department
11Mkhitaryan Melania Mesropi Head of Financial Resources Management Department - Chief
12Chagharyan Marieta AlbertiHead of Professional Education Quality Assurance Department
13Beginyan Lianna GrishayiHead of the Internship organization and cooperation with stakeholders department
14Poghosyan Vladimir Armeni Head of the library of YSU IB 
15Sargsyan Vardan Stanislavi Head of the Economic activity organization and service department

Elective members of the Academic Council

16Grigoryan Natella Serozhi Head of the Department of Educational Reforms and Teacher Training, Candidate of Sciences in history, Associate professor
17Hovhannisyan Gurgen GeorgikiHead of the Department of Tourism Management and
Culturology, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor
18Siroyan Garik AshotiHead of the Chair of General Economics, Candidate in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
19Simonyan Gevorg SargsiHead of the Chair of General Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Candidate in Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor
20Hovakimyan Anna SedrakiHead of the Chair of Programming and Information Technologies, Candidate in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
21Harutyunyan Kristine MuradiHead of the Chair of Foreign Languages, Candidate in Philology, associate professor
22Harutyunyan Liana MiqayeliHead of the Chair of Pedagogy and Psychology, Candidate in Pedagogical Sciences
23Asatryan Hamlet MihrdatiHead of the Department of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture, Chairman of the Painting Section, Associate Professor of Art Studies
24Vanyan Hasmik SamveliAssociate Professor of the Chair of Armenian Language and Literature, Candidate in Philological Sciences
25Mkhitaryan Qristine HamletiAssistant Professor of the Chair of Decorative-Applied Art and Design

Elective student members of the Academic Council

26Alexanyan Davit HaykiHead of YSU IB  Student Council, 3nd year student of the "History" educational program of the Faculty of Humanities
27Abazyan Siranush ArtakiHead of YSU IB  Student Scientific Society, 3nd year student of the "Armenian Language and Literature" educational program of the Faculty of Humanities
28Yeghikyan Mane Kareni 3rd year student of the Faculty of Applied Arts, "Design" specialty
29Vardanyan Milena Kareni 4th year student of the Faculty of Humanities, "Psychology" specialty
30Shahnazaryan Narek Armeni2nd year student of the Faculty of Humanities, "English Language and Literature" specialty
31Tamrazyan Lilit Armeni3rd year student of the "History" educational program of the Faculty of Humanities
32Gyozalyan Amalia Sosi 4th year student of the Faculty of Humanities, "Armenian Language and Literature" educational program
33Baghmanyan Lusine Radiki4rd year student of the "Armenian Language and Literature" educational program of the Faculty of Humanities
34Pirumyan Margarita Hovespi3nd year student of the "Elementary Pedagogy and Methodology" educational program of the Faculty of Humanities
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