The process of applying for mandatory subject training of teachers launches at Ijevan branch of YSU in the following subjects: Armenian language, French, Russian, English, Armenian literature, History, Geography, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Mathematics, elementary grades, Informatics, PMT (preliminary military training), Fine Arts, Physical Education, Social Studies, Technology.

The training is intended only for teachers who need to know the subject knowledge and have not passed the voluntary certification in previous years.

The following information is required when applying for subject training:

1) name, surname, patronymic of the teacher/person,

2) the location of the educational institution (province, region) or the location of the educational institution (province, region) from which the employee was dismissed in accordance with the established norm,

3) the subject that is taught from which the certificate was obtained,

4) series and number of the identity document,

5) the teacher's e-mail address, phone number,

6) persons without higher education present a document certifying education, a certificate certifying the fact of occupying the position of a teacher in a public educational institution or a work book (if available) and copies of the legal act on terminating the employment contract in accordance with Article 38, Paragraph 5 of the Law "On Public Education" part claim,

7) the results of the subject knowledge check of the teacher's voluntary certification.

Applications for training will be accepted from August 19 to September 6 at 18:00 at Ijevan branch of YSU.

The process of compulsory subject training of teachers will start on September 11 and will end on October 31, 2024. 

In case of questions, you can call 094 104 107 or visit Ijevan branch of YSU (Tavush Marz, RA, Ijevan 4001, Student 3, room 15).

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