Ijevan Branch of Yerevan State University



 “Community Center for Development” Territorial Cooperation NGO invites 18-35 years old job seekers of Tavush region to take part in the “Professional Skills Improvement” training course within the framework of the “Integrated and Balanced Economic Development of Tavush Region” project.

The training course covers the following topics:

  • Starting career
  • Current Career
  • Transition from one stage to another
  • Factors for Professional Success
  • Self-development planning and application
  • Labor Market in Armenia
  • Job Search (online and offline)
  • Job Interview Skills
  • Working relationships, human capital, networks and resources
  • Self-employment: How to Start and Develop Your Own Business?

The duration of the training is 3 days, on November 26, 27, 28 and including one individual consultation. With the help of an internationally qualified professional, the training course participants will be able to develop a professional advancement strategy and action plan.

The participants, successfully completing the training with certificates, will have an opportunity to work with employers directed to “Community Center for Development” Territorial Cooperation NGO and Ijevan Territorial Employment Center.

The training course will be held at YSU Ijevan Branch. The participation of people from rural districts is especially encouraged, whose transportation will be provided by the program organizers. The course includes coffee breaks and food.

To take part in the training course please send an e-mail to shrjanavartysuib@gmail.com.