On September 24, 2024  on the anniversary of A.Mardanyan's birthday, events dedicated to the memory of Aida Serozhi Mardanyan, former head of the French language and literature section of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of YSU IB, former head of the educational program, long-time leading specialist of YSU IB, were held at the YSU Ijevan branch: a commemorative matinee, the opening of an auditorium named after her.

YSU Rector Hovhannes Hovhannisyan, YSU Rector's Chief of Staff Davit Hovhannisyan, Governor of Tavush region Hayk Ghalumyan, Deputy Governor N. Ghushchyan, Mrs. Mardanyan's family members and relatives, YSU IB directorate, administrative and teaching staff members, students, graduates, mass media representatives, guests.

A commemorative matinee dedicated to Aida Mardanya’s memory was held at YSU IB library, at the beginning of which the attendees paid tribute to the memory of Mrs. Mardanyan with a 1-minute silence.

Then YSU rector Hovhannes Hovhannisyan, acting director of YSU IB Anushavan Makaryan, governor of Tavush Hayk Ghalumyan, who was also a student of Mrs. Mardanyan, , Ruzan Mirzoyan Ph.D. of YSU IB Foreign Languages ​​Chair (the text of the speech: link 1 here), Associate Professor of the Chair of Armenian Language and Literature, Ph.D. Aida Sarhatyan (text of the speech: link 2 here), former graduate of the French language and literature educational program and now lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages Zhanna Ghaltakhchyan (text of the speech: link 3 here), Lori Hovsepyan, coordinator of French language at the French Embassy in Armenia.

In their speeches, the speakers highlighted the image of Aida Mardanyan, a great devotee and appreciator of her work, a beloved lecturer and pedagogue, an honest, extremely modest and enlightened person, they emphasized her invaluable role and contribution, love and responsibility for the foundation, development and spread of French throughout the Tavush region, for generations in education and upbringing.

At the end of his speech, the Rector mentioned that Aida Mardanyan was posthumously awarded with a high award of Yerevan State University, the YSU Gold Medal, and he gladly handed it over to Mrs. Mardanyan's eldest son.

Inspirational literary and musical performances were played with the participation of students of "Foreign Language and Literature" (“FLL” and "ELL" educational programs).

The commemorative and honoring matinee was followed by the opening ceremony of the auditorium named after Aida Mardanyan. Let us add that according to the decision of September  17, 2024 the scientific council of YSU Ijevan branch , http://surl.li/asgoga, YSU IB auditorium No. 50 was named after Aida Serozhi Mardanyan, former head of the French language and literature section of the YSU IB foreign languages ​​department, former head of the educational program, long-time leading specialist of YSU IB.

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