On September 26, 2024 the intensive course of Hrach Martirosyan (Leiden University), a recognized Armenian expert and one of the best Armenian specialists in comparative linguistics, started at the YSU Ijevan branch: "The Origins of the Armenian Language. "Issues of the history of the Armenian language and culture".

Before starting the course, H. Martirosyan met YSU IB acting director A. Makaryan, which was also attended by acting dean of the Faculty of Humanities N. Grigoryan, Assistant Professor of the Chair of Armenian Language and Literature, Ph.D. S. Hovhannisyan. During the meeting, organizational and thematic issues related to the two-day intensive course to be held in Ijevan by the famous linguist were discussed. Mr. Makaryan presented books to H. Martirosyan related to the history, language and culture of Tavush region in order to use them in future research.

The course was attended by students of YSU IB Faculty of Humanities, lecturers specializing in Armenian Studies and Linguistics.

Within the framework of H. Martirosyan's lecture, the attendees heard about the branching history of the Indo-European pre-language, the historical development of the languages ​​belonging to the Indo-European language family, as well as the scientific division of the transition from the prescriptive status of languages ​​to the written stage. In the first part of the lecture, the scientifically proven and accepted period of the origin of the Armenian language, the real age of the Armenian language and the existing wrong or non-scientific approaches to the emergence and development of the language were presented. It was explained how the lifestyle, culture, beliefs and other extra-linguistic factors of the given people directly affect the development of the language and its spread, how these factors become the basis of linguistic interactions. It was also discussed how the image of languages ​​that no longer exist in our time, and especially the Indo-European mother tongue, is completed through the methods of historical-comparative linguistics.

The specialist presented the methods of comparative linguistics and their importance in the problem of accurately identifying any linguistic pattern. In connection with this, the possibility of possible obstacles in the adjustment of patterns and the possibility of arriving at an incorrect form by mistake were also presented, and the ways of professionally bypassing such situations were shown. The first part of the lecture was summarized by the professional questions of the students of the final year of the YSU IB "Armenian Language and Literature" educational program, which were related to the process of restoring the general, complete picture of the Indo-European proto-language through the modern conditions of the languages ​​descended from it, the role of the cultural and religious values ​​of the given people in the etymology of the word.

The second part of the lecture was devoted to the implementation of the simplest practical tasks of comparative linguistics. The participants actively participated in the task of recognizing the modern image of the given words through the initial, restored Indo-European forms. By explaining the relevant phonetic laws and mastering the simple steps of the restoration method, the participants were able to carry out the reverse process of the above-mentioned work, to restore the original Indo-European form of the word through the existing modern phonetic structure. The lecture was accompanied by interesting discussions, questions and clarifications.

The next part of the intensive course by Hrach Martirosyan's "The Origins of the Armenian Language; Issues of the History of Armenian Language and Culture " launched at YSU IB is scheduled to continue on September 27 at the "InnoIjevan" educational hub.

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