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- Interview with Lida Tsutsulyan, a 4th-year student of the "Russian Language and Literature" educational program at Ijevan branch of YSU
Why should you choose YSU IB for your studies?
The Ijevan branch of Yerevan State University is one of those exceptional places of higher education, where learning is combined with depth of knowledge, warmth of the environment, and opportunities for personal development. Here, each student receives not only a quality education, but also discovers his or her potential, becoming a well-rounded individual.
About realizing a professional dream...
My choice of profession was very easy. While all children dream of becoming a doctor, actor or astronaut in their childhood, I have clearly realized since childhood that I want to become a teacher. I came to that decision having in mind the image of my father, who was a teacher not by profession, but by title. He was able to educate and bring up many generations and enjoy the love and respect of each of his students. I hope that I will also be able to succeed in my chosen path and be worthy of my name and title...
The first steps of basic education or career at YSU IB...
-The knowledge I received at Ijevan branch of Yerevan State University became a solid foundation for my professional path. Here I gained not only valuable knowledge, but also faith in my own strength.
And today, with rich professional knowledge and a solid educational foundation, I am ready to walk the difficult but fascinating path of my profession.
-The irretrievable student years at your university...
Student years play a major role in the professional and personal development of every person, becoming the basis for the rest of their lives.
Being a senior student, I can confidently say that my student years were rich in vivid events, interesting trials, and unforgettable moments.
These years became not only the successful beginning of my professional path, but also taught me to value small and large successes.
Your profession as one of the directions of the country's development...
Pedagogues are the cornerstone of our stable and bright future. If we want to have intelligent and competent judges, doctors, economists, etc. in the future, we must have intelligent and skilled pedagogues today, because pedagogues shape and educate generations.
And the role of a foreign language is increasingly growing in our society. Knowing one language is too little to keep up with this daily developing world.
I am hopeful that I will be able to make my small contribution to the serious and key cause of our country's development through my profession.
YSU IB provides students with…
Ijevan branch of YSU provides students with high-quality education, professional skills and wide opportunities for self-development. Here, students receive not only theoretical, but also practical knowledge and skills, participating in various scientific, educational and cultural programs. YSU IB contributes to the professional development of students by offering good internship opportunities, cooperation with various organizations and support in career development.