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- Visit of a Professor from Kyoto Sangyo University, Japan to Ijevan Branch of YSU
The purpose of the invited professor's visit was to introduce the peculiarities of the Japanese educational system, get acquainted with the "Russian Language and Literature" educational program implemented at Ijevan branch of YSU, participate in the teaching process and give lectures.
Professor Mitsushi Kitajo participated in the international online project “A Look at Education and Upbringing in Japan, Finland, Russia and Armenia: Intercultural Aspects” held at YSU IB in 2021. This is his second participation, during which he had direct contact with the administrative and teaching staff and students of YSU IB, and got acquainted with the structure of the branch.
Professor Mitsushi Kitajo gave lectures on the topics “Modern Russian Language Today” and “Simple Sentence. Stereotypes. Clichés”.
The 3rd year students of the "Russian Language and Literature" educational program of the Faculty of Humanities presented their research projects and answered Professor Kitajo's questions.
Issues related to teaching Russian as a foreign language, improving methods, and strengthening intercultural ties were discussed with Professor of the Chair of Foreign Languages of YSU IB Svetlana Minasyan.
The honored guest was welcomed by the Director of Ijevan Branch of YSU Mher Otaryan, and the Director’s Advisor Anushavan Makaryan. The Director presented Professor Kitajo Mitsuchi with a cerificate of appreciation for the effective cooperation between Ijevan Branch of YSU and Kyoto Sangyo University, thematic lectures, and the interest shown in Armenia, and expressed hope for further close cooperation.
The meeting was held in a friendly and productive atmosphere. Both universities were interested in cooperating and in developing joint projects for the exchange of experience in the future, which can be used for the further development of Armenian-Japanese academic cooperation.
At the end of the visit, Ijevan branch of YSU organized a tour to the masterpieces of Armenian architecture, the medieval monastery complexes of Haghartsin and Gosh.
Svetlana Minasyan, professor of the Chair of Foreign Languages of the YSU IB, summing up the results of Professor Kitajo Mitsuichi's visit to Ijevan branch of YSU, noted that it provided an opportunity to exchange experience between Japanese and Armenian lecturers, develop certain forms of bilateral cooperation, and arouse interest in Japan among students. She also expressed hope that the Armenian-Japanese cooperation program will continue.