On December 11, 2024 at the “American Library and Training Center” of the YSU IB, students of the “Armenian Language and Literature” educational program participated in an open class-seminar on the topic “Me and My Profession”, which was conducted by the Assistant Professor of the Department of Armenian Language and Literature, candidate of philological sciences Siranush Hovhannisyan.

During the open class, the students were introduced to the principles of choosing a professional path, the difficulties encountered on the path to professional development, and the steps to overcome them. The participants spoke about the disappointments during and after higher education that arise among students in their final year. In particular, it was emphasized that such disappointments arise from a sense of uncertainty about the future, which in turn stems from the lack of long-term, precise goals when receiving professional higher education. Accordingly, students were advised to clearly define the goal to which the chosen path should lead.

S. Hovhannisyan also touched upon the hopeful fallacies that it is possible to achieve professional success, good income and prestigious professional work immediately after university education. On this occasion, the students were introduced to what the demand for a profession is, how one can find one's place and role in the vast army of specialists, how important the accumulation of diverse and solid knowledge and self-education are.

Referring to the modern labor market from the perspective of philology, S. Hovhannisyan spoke about the problem of personnel stagnation, the reasons for its occurrence and the development of the potential for providing exceptional professional products. The significance of modern scientific directions in the context of classical science was touched upon, the adaptation of a specialist to the scientific and educational formats of the time, the harmony of a specialist and his own profession. Based on the latter provisions, the cause of pre-graduation depressions was explained. S. Hovhannisyan also spoke about the high aspirations of a novice specialist, about the setbacks arising due to these aspirations and the confrontation with various obstacles.

The importance of professional posture, overcoming the natural but unnecessary arrogance arising from the passage of each mandatory stage, and the development of the necessary qualities to emerge with dignity from the confrontation with a complex reality were emphasized. The students were presented with the widespread problem when a profession offered as higher education is acquired under the influence of certain expectations or even coercion from the individual by the family, relatives, and this later creates a problem of either having the courage and making a turn, or simply being left out of the process of professional development. Special attention was paid to the necessary individual, personal qualities and partnership relationships. S. Hovhannisyan inspired the students with a number of personal examples that any difficulty is intended to make a purposeful and persistent specialist better, therefore, in all difficult situations, it is necessary to remember the main goal and set new goals, mastering new knowledge and skills.

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