Ijevan Branch of Yerevan State University



In February-March, 2019, third-year students of the specialty “General Pedagogy” (“Elementary Pedagogy and Methodology”) are taking their industrial (pedagogical) internship at Ijevan №1 Basic School.

According to the program, the internship is organized under the principles of continuity and succession and the mechanism of gradual professional competence, headed by the lecturers of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, PhD, Assistant Professor A. Kamalyan and PhD, Assistant A.Sargsyan.

At the beginning of the internship, the students had meetings with the heads of the specialized Departments, the school vice-director, A.Petrosyan, and the internship supervisors.

Students were introduced the purpose and objectives of the internship, the norms and discipline in the school, the assignments were clarified, and students were distributed according to the supervisors.

The course of internship is quite full for students. They carry out active work to develop their ability to plan lessons (goals, objectives, steps, and methods of implementing), conduct a lesson, discuss the results and interpret their abilities.

Qualified tutors pass their experience to the students and prepare them to become a teacher.



On March 2, 2019, YSU Ijevan Branch hosted a seminar entitled “How to write a graduation paper”, conducted by the Head of   Tourism Management and Culturology Department, PhD, Associate Professor G. Hovhannisyan.

The seminar was attended by YSUIB graduate students.

According to G. Hovhannisyan, the co-author of the “The basic principles of Scientific Work” methodological manual, the seminar aimed to introduce graduate students the methodology and methods of graduation works, rules of their formation and formulation, prepare students for the final works, present them the assessment scale during the  graduation paper defense.

During the seminar, the peculiarities of scientific research, process orientation, discovery of the unknown, search for the new and use of special research methods were presented.

The graduation paper was defined as a research work, that is, graduation work is the confirmation of the student’s professional qualifications, theoretical and practical training. Bachelor’s graduation work is an independent, theoretical or practical work that reflects the skills acquired by the student in the field of specialization, raising issues related to the professional field, and the abilities of proposing solutions.

Some methodological approaches to the implementation of scientific research have been presented, that is to say, what is meant by scientific research, being scientifically objective, not ignoring the facts because of the difficulty of explaining them or showing practical application, because the essence of the new in science is not always visible to the researcher.


It was also noted that scientific research was not enough to justify a new scientific fact, it was important to give it a scientific explanation, to show its cognitive, theoretical or practical significance.

Mr. Hovhannisyan also made a reference to the language of science, the basis of which was the terminology-like words and phrases such as relevance, aspect, science, deduction, induction, scientific research, research purpose, problems, object, subject, category, method of research, methodology of scientific cognition , scientific fact, concept, judgment, theory, principle, conclusions etc.

The tutor put forward the structure of the survey, the general scheme of the research process:

  1. Justification of the relevance of the selected topic
  1. Definition of Research Purpose and Objectives
  1. Definition of subject and object of the research
  1. The Methodology of Research
  1. Description of the research process
  1. Formulation and evaluation of conclusions

Summarizing the issues and questions discussed during the seminar, Mr. Hovhannisyan made the following conclusions:

  • When writing a research paper, the author must know the basic principles of conducting a scientific research
  • After selecting and confirming the topic of the study, it is necessary to deal with collection of materials, sources and studies on the subject (the “ant” stage);
  • then read the collected literature, separating the study materials (“bee” phase) during the course

At the end of the seminar, the participants received answers to their questions.


hcrbAeZlIrOYe8XFFq27tAcaXBOn March 2, 2019, the SSS of YSU Faculty of Armenian Philology together with the Armenian Language and Literature Department of YSUIB organized a conference entitled “Dialectical Readings”.

The Acting Director of YSUIB, PhD,  Artak Tsutsulyan welcomed the students. “I’m so excited and pleased that such events take place in the Branch and I hope it will become a tradition. Few know that this year is also jubilee for the Branch. This year marks the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Branch and this event isdedicated to the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Branch”.

The Acting Head of the Department of Armenian Language and Literature of YSU Ijevan Branch, Associate Professor Vachagan Avagyan presented the background of the event.

“Months ago when we returned to Yerevan after meeting with Vardanank military-patriotic club in Ijevan Branch, we noticed that one of the students, forgetting about the academic-student environment, began to speak in his dialect and when he realized it, he apologized. So sweet was his dialect that I advised to bring the dialect into a lively environment. At that time we decided to speak in our dialects until the end of the trip, “said Vachagan Avagyan.

“Immediately the idea came to bring this all to the classroom environment and to give it a scientific content, as most students are living bearers of dialects, and this is a great opportunity for dialectical research,” he added.

The students of the Faculty of Armenian Philology and students of the Branch prepared the dialect versions of famous works. By comparing literary Armenian and other dialects, students were given the opportunity to  a wide range of studies.

Similar events are a great opportunity for students to study the dialects, as the conversations with them, and the discussions with them, move the theoretical knowledge to the practical field.

By the way, owing to the program “Dialectical Research and Comparative Dialectic” initiated by the Faculty of SSS Chairman Samvel Yeghiazaryan, the faculty is restoring the beautiful traditions of dialects.

It should also be mentioned that the first dialectical journey was to Shirak region. This time, in collaboration with YSU Ijevan Branch Department of Armenian Language and Literature, students had the opportunity to listen and get acquainted with the dialects of Tavush region.


All the photos are available in the gallery.



 On March 1, 2019, the lectures and trainings with the participation of YSUIB representatives for Tavush region school senior students began.  

 YSUIB representatives, particularly, the head of Professional Orientation and Practice Department, PhD, Assistant Lianna Beginyan, Inspector of the same department Slavik Alaverdyan, Acting Head of the Department of English Language and Literature, PhD, Associate Professor Kristine Harutyunyan were hosted to lecture at Ijevan high school after Garnik Ananyan.

 The school director Gayane Edilyan introduced the 12th-grade students of humanitarian sphere.

 The lectures were conducted by K. Harutyunyan. She touched upon the profession of a linguist, the English word formation, the problems of semantics, and then answered the students’ questions.

 The lecture was in a warm and interactive atmosphere.

 The students expressed their willingness to take part in other lectures as well.

 Lectures will soon be conducted in the high, secondary schools and Ijevan Varjaran.