Ijevan Branch of Yerevan State University


In 2018, on October 2, a candle lighting ceremony was held at YSU Ijevan branch, dedicated to the memory of our great compatriot, RA National Hero, French-Armenian singer, composer, writer, film actor, public figure, greatest Armenian Charles Aznavour (Shahnur, Vaghinak Aznavouryan).


On the previous day, October 1, “one of the greatest and brightest stars of the Armenian sky rested in peace”… It is unbelievable. A man who brought up generations by his love, whom we have loved since childhood, followed his art and life, have been proud that there was such an Armenian in the world who kept the honor of his homeland everywhere.

Candle lighting dedicated to the memory of the great Aznavour was organized by the YSU IB Department of French Language and Literature and Student Council


Acting Head of the Department of French Language and Literature A. Mardanyan delivered a speech noting that the eldest son of the Armenian people, who belongs to Armenia, France and the whole humanity has left. She underlined that Aznavour was an individual who always stood by his people, who used his genius and influence so that the whole world would not forget and condemn the Armenian Genocide. Aznavour was a whole universe, and now that universe has remained with us, but without its creator.


 The 4th year students of the faculty French Language and Literature presented his life and work under the magical sounds of the songs of Aznavour, and recited poems.

Yesterday when I was young
The taste of life was sweet as rain upon my tongue,
I teased at life as if it were a foolish game
The way the evening breeze may tease a candle flame.
The thousand dreams I dreamed, the splendid things I planned
I always built, alas, on weak and shifting sand,
I lived by night and shunned the naked light of day
And only now I see how the years ran away.
Yesterday when I was young
So many drinking songs were waiting to be sung,
So many wayward pleasures lay in store for me
And so much pain my dazzled eyes refused to see.
I ran so fast that time and youth at last ran out
I never stopped to think what life was all about,
And every conversation I can now recall
Concerned itself with me, me, and nothing else at all.

DSCN3769Yesterday the moon was blue
And every crazy day brought something new to do,
I used my magic age as if it were a wand
And never saw the waste and emptiness beyond.
The game of love I played with arrogance and pride
And every flame I lit too quickly, quickly died.
The friends I made all seemed, somehow, to drift away
And only I am left on stage to end the play.
There are so many songs in me that won’t be sung,
I feel the bitter taste of tears upon my tongue.
The time has come for me to pay for yesterday
When I was young… Young… Young


Acting Director of YSU IB A. Cuculyan delivered a speech, in particular mentioning: “Communicating with our elders, we are cleansed a little, aspiring to betterment, to perfection. The values that Charles Aznavour created and gave will remain in all of us and will inspire hope and belief for all of us to fight, to create kindness, love and solidarity around us. Thank you all! “


On July 10 of 2018, the solemn ceremony of diploma awarding to 271 graduates of Ijevan Branch of YSU Foundation of 2017-18 Full-time and Part-time learning was held.


The event was preceded by an annual meeting of the Scientific Council, attended by members of Scientific Council, members of the administrative and professorial staff of the University, representatives of Tavush regional administration.


During the meeting, the results of YSU IB 2017-2018 final certification and graduates satisfaction assessment of 2018 academic year were summarized.


During the meeting, the results of YSU IB 2017-2018 final certification and graduates satisfaction assessment of 2018 academic year were summarized.


After the meeting of the Scientific Council, YSU IB universitarians (students, graduates, lecturers, staff members) gathered in YSU Ijevan Branch yard, marched to Ijevan fountains square.


In the heart of the city, the solemn ceremony of diploma awarding to 271 graduates of Ijevan Branch of YSU Foundation of 2017-18 Full-time and Part-time learning was held.

The most anticipated and significant day for students became a city holiday.


The festive event was accompanied by a colorful works exhibition of YSU IB Faculty of Applied Arts graduates and a beautiful concert organized by YSU Cultural Center (Director, Karine Davtyan).


The solemn ceremony was opened with prayer and hymn.

Primate of Tavush Diocese, on behalf of Bishop Bagrat Galstanyan, Bishop Simon Arakelyan delivered a blessing and prayer, congratulating YSU IB graduates.


The national anthem of the Republic of Armenia was performed by YSU Cultural Center choir (art director, RA Honored Art Worker Karen Sargsyan, conductor Ruben Karaseferyan).


The dance group of YSU cultural center performed a beautiful Armenian dance on the stage (art director Ani Haroyan).


Acting Director of YSU IB A. V. Tsutsulyan in his congratulatory speech, particularly mentioned:


“Dear students, graduates, employees, parents, Ijevan population and guests, YSU Ijevan Branch makes a great contribution to organizing the scientific, cultural and public life of the region. The presence of the branch in the region and in the republic is noticeable because its graduates have acquired the necessary knowledge; have the qualities corresponding to their professional qualifications, ready to compete in today’s economy, education, politics and culture.

I congratulate you, dear graduates, and want you to continue to keep the high reputation of YSU IB, which you will bear later. We have just taught you to study and wish that you continue throughout the life your self-development and remember that YSU Ijevan branch is your home, where we are always happy to advise you and, why not, also get your advice and suggestions. Thank you. “

Mary Petrosyan, a 2nd year student of the Faculty of Humanities of the Yerevan State University Ijevan Branch, performed “Armenia” song.


Then the solemn ceremony of diploma awarding took place.


First of all, A. V. Tsutsulyan awarded the graduates with honored diplomas and then graduates according to the faculties and specialties.


YSU Ijevan branch graduate of 2018 academic year, former Student Council Chairman Iskuhi Shakhbatyan delivered a congratulatory speech.

YSU IB graduates received congratulations with their musical and dance performances from:

  • Artsrun Khangeldyan, Arevik Prazyan, Tatev Telikian, Ani Kocharyan (YSU Cultural Center soloists)
  • Soloist of YSU Cultural Center Manana Asikyan (“Armenia”)
  • Julia Meyroyan: Ijevan Culture House (“Always Smile”),
  • Gor Harutyunyan: Ijevan Culture House (“Jamaica”),
  • YSU Cultural Center choir (“Let my people go”),
  • Zina Voskanyan, 2nd year student of YSU Ijevan Branch, Faculty of Humanities (“My Planet”),
  • Ijevan Art School dance ensemble (artistic director, Flora Asoyan, “Kochari”),
  • YSU Cultural Center soloist Ani Kocharyan (“Sun”),
  • Artsrun Khangeldyan, YSU Cultural Center soloist (“Oh, lovely”),
  • YSU Cultural Center girls dance ensemble (Sayat-Nova),
  • YSU Cultural Center Choir (soloists: Anushik Marozyan and Vahe Movsesyan, composer, Aram Satyan – “My Holy Motherland “)


YSU IB 2018 academic year diploma awarding ceremony was held by YSU Cultural Center “Hamalsaranakan” theater-studio, 3rd year student of the Faculty of Journalism Karine Simonyan and 2nd year student of the Faculty of International Relations Garnik Arakelyan.


The festive day ended with a musical-dance party organized in the nature of Tavush, in the territory of “Apaga tour” hotel in Yenokavan.


YSU Ijevan Branch hosted an event by the initiative of directorate on the occasion of YSU IB lecturer of the Department of Emergency Situations and Gymnastics, Nver Gharibyan’s victory at Powerlifting World Championship 2018, on June 9.


Representatives of YSU IB administrative and professorial staff, students and guests were present at the event.


The Armenian Men and Women National Powerlifting Teams have taken part in the European Powerlifting Championships hosted by Ukrainian city of Lutsk on May 17-22.


The Armenian athletes set new world records, winning gold and silver medals.

The Powerlifting Team of Armenia has left for the competition with 24 athletes (headed by Coach Gagik Saroyan) and has won 13 medals.


Varazdat Hakobyan (67.5 kg), William Saroyan (75kg weight category), Aram Khachatryan (90kg), Hrach Guloyan (100kg), Nver Gharibyan (110kg weight category) became world champions.

Nver Gharibyan, a lecturer of YSU IB Department of Emergency Situations and Gymnastics, won World Champion title in the 110kg weight class.


Gor Khachatryan (75kg weight category) became silver medalist of the championship, and Arthur Arakelyan (90kg weight category), bronze medalist.


Andranik Minasyan (75kg weight category) and David Avedikian (90kg weight category) won the title of world champion in the youth championship and Robert Ordinyan (110kg weight category) was awarded with a silver medal. 

Jasmin Hayrapetyan (56kg weight category), David Papyan (44kg weight category) and Eric Khachatryan (60kg weight category) won silver medals and Karen Arakelyan (82,5 kg) won silver medals. 


Ararat Shahinyan (82,5 kg), Gevorg Davtyan (110 kg), Gagik Saroyan (125 kg), Hovhannes Yazichyan (100 kg) and Aram Khachatryan (90 kg) became the winners in the veterans ‘world championship and Arthur Avetisyan (82.5 kg) became the silver medalist of the championship.(see:http://www.minsportyouth.am/noroutyounner/hay-ouzhayin-eramartikneri-hajogh-mrcelouy.html)


YSU IB deputy-director A. Cuculyan delivered a congratulatory speech on the occasion of the glorious victory of our lecturer, the 2nd prize winner of the World Cup (2016), the three-time in a row European champion (2016, 2017, 2018), world champion (2018), master of sport of the international class Nver Gharibyan.


Then, A.Cuculyan handed a souvenir and prize money to N. Garibyan, wishing him new victories, new opportunities for winning championships, both as an athlete and a coach (including YSU IB students trainer).  


N.Gharibyan thanked the directorate for warm reception, congratulations and appreciation, particularly mentioning: “Thank you so much for this honor, for such reception, such attitude and appreciation … All this makes me do more. So far I’ve decided that this will be my last tournament in sports, continuing, however, my coaching activities as I have good students, European and world champions and sports masters, but this once again makes me continue my sport career … Again, I am so grateful for appreciation and for this warm attitude … “



 In 2018, on February 28, “Haykyan-2017” award ceremony was held at the National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after A. Spendiaryan, attended by RA President Serzh Sargsyan, Coordinator of Youth Foundation of Armenia Karen Avagyan, high-ranking officials, representatives of student and youth organizations, guests.

Մեր ուսանողական խորհուրդը «Հայկյան 2017»  մրցանակաբաշխության հաղթող

“Haykyan” Award is a program implemented already 17 years by the Armenian Youth Foundation aims to activate student self-governing structures, to encourage student initiatives, to raise the degree of integration of the youth in the sphere of science, to deepen international cooperation and to develop activities in youth policy.

Young people, youth groups and organizations that had excelled and come up with innovative undertakings in 2017 were awarded in different nominations.

Karen Avagyan assured that the program was of paramount importance because it was the best example when young people were awarded for their hard and dedicated work. He also underlined that the choice was increasingly difficult, and the programs were becoming more and more and it was difficult to choose winners for “Haykyan” Prize.

Մեր ուսանողական խորհուրդը «Հայկյան 2017»  մրցանակաբաշխության հաղթող

Approximately 40 applications were submitted in 11 different nominations to take part in “Haykyan-2017” award ceremony. YSU IB Student Council also submitted an application. The winners’ names became clear only during the award ceremony.

YSU Ijevan Branch Student Council was recognized as the winner in the nomination “The Best Regional Student Self-Governing Body”.

Մեր ուսանողական խորհուրդը «Հայկյան 2017»  մրցանակաբաշխության հաղթող

Among the participants of the award ceremony were YSU IB Student Council Chairman Iskuhi Shaghbatyan and Student Council members Zara Vartanyan, Ani Asryan and Arpine Veranyan.

Iskuhi Shaghbatyan received an award by RA Deputy Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs Arsen Karamyan.

Shaghbatyan welcomed the President, the guests and congratulated all the winners. She thanked all the Student Council members, all the staff of the branch for their support, the Youth Foundation of Armenia, in particular the jury of “Haykyan” Awards, for the best evaluation of the work done.

Մեր ուսանողական խորհուրդը «Հայկյան 2017»  մրցանակաբաշխության հաղթող

In addition to pre-determined nominations, the President of the Republic awarded 8 special awards.

The winners received symbolic statuettes, certificates and precious gifts.

Մեր ուսանողական խորհուրդը «Հայկյան 2017»  մրցանակաբաշխության հաղթող

At the end of the award ceremony, President Serzh Sargsyan congratulated the winners, wishing them ever new achievements, expressing the hope that the awards they received today would become the components of a long chain of success for the sake of Armenia and the Armenian people.

The event was accompanied by a concert program. Armenian State Symphonic Orchestra (artistic director and principal conductor, Sergey Smbatyan) and famous singers performed during the evening.






Yerevan State University Ijevan branch Library provides all the readers with new opportunities. From now on the electronic resources are at the disposal of YSU IB students and lecturers

In 2017, on December 12, the presentation of YSU IB Electronic Library was held.

Representatives of the administrative and professorial staff of the University, under the supervision of the director, students and guests were present at the event.

The head of the library Vladimir Poghosyan presented the structure, sections of the newly created website, the using procedure of the site and ways of searching books. It was emphasized that the books on the website were structured according to categories and subjects, the newly published books were on the right side of the website, the main specialized books were on the left.


Poghosyan congratulated on the occasion of the opening of E- library and wished pleasant reading all the students, reading lovers, mentioning: “I congratulate all of us on the occasion of the opening of E- library web site. Today we can confidently say that we have an electronic library corresponding to the educational standards of Armenia, which will take a step forward in obtaining an affordable education. The launch of this site is not only significant, but also necessary, as the educational requirements and approaches change, and the use of modern technology in library activities is a requirement and imperative of time. Apart from book opportunities, this site will also greatly help with online lectures, and the news platform will be updated and upgraded to meet the latest library technology requirements. “

The Director of the Yerevan State University Ijevan branch S. Arakelyan delivered a congratulatory speech on the occasion of opening of E- library. S. Arakelyan particularly mentioned: “Libraries have made a significant contribution to the development of spiritual life and culture and have an indispensable role nowadays. Each library is designed to perform specific functions: historical-cultural, informational, communicative, technological, pedagogical, statistical, service, etc.


Կայացավ ԵՊՀ ԻՄ-ի էլեկտրոնային գրադարանի շնորհանդեսը

Information technology development in the civilized world is accompanied by appropriate reform of the library systems. Basically, most up-to-date libraries provide the creation and expansion of databases, the availability of various information services, and new technological means. YSU Ijevan branch library is also no exception.

YSU IB E-library is another step towards providing accessible and available educational opportunities and we are convinced that it will greatly enhance the scope of students’ scientific interests, enrichment and dissemination of sustainable knowledge. I congratulate you and I am sure that it will become a rich, comprehensive and interesting platform for reading lovers. “

Կայացավ ԵՊՀ ԻՄ-ի էլեկտրոնային գրադարանի շնորհանդեսը

Students and lecturers also congratulated on the occasion of electronic library opening wishing, continuous work, development and progress.

At the end, reception took place for the participants.