Ijevan Branch of Yerevan State University



  On June 25, 2019, YSUIB hosted an extended Board meeting headed by A. Tsutsulyan.

 Members of YSUIB Directorate and Library staff participated in the meeting.

The main item of the discussion was 2018-2019 activities of YSUIB Library.

 The head of the library, Vladimir Poghosyan, made a report on the activities of YSUIB Library.

 First and foremost, V. Poghosyan made a report on the replenishment of YSUIB Library’s fund, noting that as of June 25, the Library has about 18,970 units of literature, 1950 electronic publications, more than 1200 scientific journals and collections, more than 70 maps, 15,550 Armenian, English, French and Russian scientific, educational and fiction literature.  V. Poghosyan mentioned that in the reporting year the library fund has been replenished with more than 640 units of literature,  116 pieces of literature, through purchase, and more than 500 owing to donations.  In the reporting year, with the efforts of librarians and other university students, 3 book presentations, more than 5 open-class discussions, meetings with authors and readers were conducted.

 The head of the library emphasized that in the reporting year library staff had professional growth and participated in various workshops.  For example, in 2018,  On November 1-2, the head of the YSUIB Library  took part in the “Innovative Libraries 2018” Workshop in Tsaghkadzor.

 On October 7-11 V. Poghosyan participated in the international scientific conference organized in the Republic of Crimea of the Russian Federation.

 Touching upon the YSUIB E-library, V. Poghosyan stressed the accessibility of the website’s structure, sections, books. He noted that the books on the website are professionally oriented, on the right are published new books, on the left, the main specialized books.   There are 906 books in the electronic library as of June 25, 2,159,969 visits and 185,498 visitors.  During the last 20 days, 71,728 visits, and 8,625 visitors.

The activity of YSUIB library of 2018-2019 academic year was evaluated satisfactory.

 The participants of the meeting also made suggestions for the improvement of the Branch library which were taken into consideration.

 The issue of the dismissal of two students from YSUIB, which was another item of the discussion, was reported by Naira Arushanyan, Head of the Educational Process Planning and Control of the Educational-Methodological Department.

 In that connection,  it was decided:

  • Based on Section 17 (Part 3) of the regulation on “Dismissal and Readmission of Students of the Republic of Armenia”, Srbuhi Matevosyan, second- year student of the “Design” Bachelor’s degree of the Faculty of Applied Arts, was dismissed.
  • Based on the 21st point of Part III of the “The dismissal and readmission of students from Higher Education Institutions in Armenia”, Anzhik Movsesyan, a freshman of the “Elementary Pedagogy and Methodology” Bachelor’s degree, was dismissed.

On June 25, 2019, YSUIB hosted an extended Board meeting headed by A. Tsutsulyan.

 Members of YSUIB Directorate and Library staff participated in the meeting.

The main item of the discussion was 2018-2019 activities of YSUIB Library.

 The head of the library, Vladimir Poghosyan, made a report on the activities of YSUIB Library.

 First and foremost, V. Poghosyan made a report on the replenishment of YSUIB Library’s fund, noting that as of June 25, the Library has about 18,970 units of literature, 1950 electronic publications, more than 1200 scientific journals and collections, more than 70 maps, 15,550 Armenian, English, French and Russian scientific, educational and fiction literature.  V. Poghosyan mentioned that in the reporting year the library fund has been replenished with more than 640 units of literature,  116 pieces of literature, through purchase, and more than 500 owing to donations.  In the reporting year, with the efforts of librarians and other university students, 3 book presentations, more than 5 open-class discussions, meetings with authors and readers were conducted.

 The head of the library emphasized that in the reporting year library staff had professional growth and participated in various workshops.  For example, in 2018,  On November 1-2, the head of the YSUIB Library  took part in the “Innovative Libraries 2018” Workshop in Tsaghkadzor.

 On October 7-11 V. Poghosyan participated in the international scientific conference organized in the Republic of Crimea of the Russian Federation.

 Touching upon the YSUIB E-library, V. Poghosyan stressed the accessibility of the website’s structure, sections, books. He noted that the books on the website are professionally oriented, on the right are published new books, on the left, the main specialized books.   There are 906 books in the electronic library as of June 25, 2,159,969 visits and 185,498 visitors.  During the last 20 days, 71,728 visits, and 8,625 visitors.

The activity of YSUIB library of 2018-2019 academic year was evaluated satisfactory.

 The participants of the meeting also made suggestions for the improvement of the Branch library which were taken into consideration.

 The issue of the dismissal of two students from YSUIB, which was another item of the discussion, was reported by Naira Arushanyan, Head of the Educational Process Planning and Control of the Educational-Methodological Department.

 In that connection,  it was decided:

  • Based on Section 17 (Part 3) of the regulation on “Dismissal and Readmission of Students of the Republic of Armenia”, Srbuhi Matevosyan, second- year student of the “Design” Bachelor’s degree of the Faculty of Applied Arts, was dismissed.
  • Based on the 21st point of Part III of the “The dismissal and readmission of students from Higher Education Institutions in Armenia”, Anzhik Movsesyan, a freshman of the “Elementary Pedagogy and Methodology” Bachelor’s degree, was dismissed.



On May 21th, 2019, YSU Ijevan Branch hosted regular Board meeting, headed by Acting Director of YSUIB A. V. Tsutsulyan.

On the agenda were the preparatory work for the 2nd semester of 2018-19 academic year, the results of student surveys for the first semester of 2018-19 academic year, the list of professions of Part-time training system of 2019 academic year and a number of current issues.

 Deans of faculties reported on the preparations for the II semester mid-term examinations, in particular, mentioning that the schedule of mid-term examinations and summer examination period have been drawn up, discussed with lecturers and students, presented in a timely manner, mid-term exam tickets, tests and variants were compiled and sealed.

 As far as the results of the 1st semester student surveys are concerned, the Deans mentioned that problems were identified and appropriate steps were taken.

A.Davtyan, Head of Educational-Methodological Department, introduced the list of specialties for Part-time training system (entrance exams, places and tuition fees).  In connection with this issue, it was noted that over the past five years, admission was not implemented in Part-time training system of the specialty “Armenian Language and Literature”.  Based on the study of labor market requirements, it was proposed in 2019 include “Armenian Language and Literature” in the list of professions, which was approved by the members of the Board.