Ijevan Branch of Yerevan State University



  On November 22th of 2018, an expanded Board meeting of YSU Ijevan Branch was held by acting director A. V. Tsutsulyan with the participation of the members of the Board of Directors, Heads of Departments and Subdivisions.


  • Report on YSUIB Website, Public Relations and Media Activities (September-October 2018)

Reporter: YSUIB Public Relations and Media responsible H. Vanyan, specialist of Professional Education Quality Assurance Department M. Gasparyan

  • Report on the work done by the Department of “Finance and Accounting” 


Reporter: Chief Accountant M. Mkhitaryan

  • Report on the work done by Human Resources Management Department (September-October 2018)

Reporter: Head of Human Resources Management Department K. Ayvazyan

  • Report on the work with graduates and external stakeholder (non-formal education, September-October 2018)

Reporter: coordinator of the work with graduates and external stakeholders E. Gharayan

  • Report on professorial staff trainings (September-October 2018)

Reporter: Coordinator of professorial staff Trainings N. Ghazaryan

  • Report on the work done by the Department of Education process Planning and Control     

(Student activity, September-October 2018)

Reporter: N. Arushanyan, Head of Education process Planning and Control  Department 

  • Report on the work done by the Professional Orientation and Practice Department 

(September-October 2018)

Reporter: Head of Professional Orientation and Practice Department  L. Beginyan

  • Current issues

In September-October of 2018, the reporters on YSUIB website and public relations and media presented that the website posted 45 documents on common and current governance processes, 5 documents about “Competitions, vacancies”.

In August 2018, (2017-2018 academic years) in the “Mass Media about Us” page of the Section “Information” (http://ijevan.ysu.am/information/) about 7 news on television (in particular, from the Public Television), “YouTube”, have been posted on YSUIB website, 1 news was added right on time.

One of the means of feedback that contributes to the formation of public relations is the website’s question and answer section, where visitors ask questions to various YSUIB administrative and scientific-educational institutions for additional information, and their answers are posted on the website. On October 31 of 2018, 66 questions-answers have been posted, 2 of which right on time.

In the Russian section of the website 54 articles (announcements, news, and events) were posted during September-October of 2018, in the English section – 105 articles.

On October 31, 2018, the website had 237 pages, 79 articles were posted during September-October, 34 announcements, 40 news, 3 of which were events, 5 were the board meetings, 614 files, and 381 photos.

One of the effective means of feedback that contributes to the formation of public relations is the Facebook page of YSU Ijevan Branch, which has been operating since September 2011 (https://www.facebook.com/ysuib, as of August 2018, 2800 followers, 3305 followers on October 31), YSUIB Facebook group(https://www.facebook.com/groups/studentibysu, 924 followers as of November 2018, 1040 followers as of 31 October 2018), Student Scientific Society page (https://www.facebook.com/sssysibb/?fref=ts, 441 followers as of November 2017 followers: 543 followers as of October 31, 2018), YSUIB Education Planning Department page (https://goo.gl/R2w9P9, 34 followers as of November 2017, 88 followers as of October 31, 2018), other pages and groups.

 The materials of the official website are popularized through the mentioned pages and groups, the page followers and the members of the group share materials related to the branch, direct their questions, receive answers, make suggestions, and leave comments, opinions and assessments about the various spheres of the university.

In the survey of May 2018, 182 (55.2%) of 330 students of Full-time learning responded that they visited the website “very often” and “often”. They have stated that they were satisfied with site structure, coverage of news, convenience and fullness of information (relatively dissatisfied with the color of the site).

YSUIB Chief Accountant presented the university inflows and outflows of financial means during January 1-November 1, 2018.

The head of Human Resources Management (HRM) Department in particular mentioned that as of November 21, 2018, 173 lecturers (8 professors, 46 associate professors, 62 assistants, 57 lecturers) work in the branch, 71 are permanent, 43 part-time ,22 invited from YSU, 37 paid per-hour basis.

Coordinator of the work with graduates and external stakeholders specifically mentioned that in September 2018, the following works were carried out:

  1. Collected the data of Full-time and Part-time learning students of 2018 academic year
  2. Filled out 2018 academic year graduates data (Part-time, Full-time learning) in the Access program
  3. Updated the list of external stakeholders
  4. Collected data on YSUIB graduates achievements during 1994-2009 years
  5. Provided the participation of university students in the opening ceremony of “Tradition” N2 music school on September 19th (prepared a material for the site)
  6. Held a discussion with K. Ayvazyan, head of the HRD department, on the current issues and suggestions on September 20
  7. Designed a table to enter personal data of graduates.
  8. Increased number of graduates Facebook page and Facebook group followers.
  9. Directed five graduates to apply for the work of “Veolia Water” company
  10. Updated YSUIB working graduates data of 2017 (to learn how many students are employed, whether the number is increasing or not).
  11. Developed a plan to meet external stakeholders.
  12. Organized meetings with 18 external stakeholders to inform about 4 vacancies (“Veon Armenia”, “Beeline”, “Converse Bank”, Credit Specialist, “Unibank” Credit Specialist, “VTB-Armenia” Bank CJSC )
  13. Reported on what suggestions and requirements the stakeholders have made after the meetings
  14. Reached agreement with stakeholders for organizing trainings and seminars
  15. Ensured the participation of Student Scientific Society in the program by “World Vision Armenia” “Care for Equality”, prepared the material for the web site.
  16. Added two new questions to the graduates survey and set up meetings agenda

In October, the work with graduates and external stakeholders was active and effective. YSUIB Facebook page has provided a series of announcements about vacancies, as well as e-mails have been sent to Full-time and Part-time learning graduates for vacancies. They implemented editing data on 2010-2017 years graduates’ work, meetings with 15 school directors.

Seminars were organized on the following themes: “Leadership”, “Media Literacy: Media and Society “,” PR and Fundraising “,” Peculiarities of Danish Municipal Authority “,” Regional Forum “,” Conflict Revolution “,” Discussion of Partnership for Open Society “,” Freedom of Information “. In October, an agenda was set up to meet the graduating students, and meetings with 16 external stakeholders were organized. 15 graduates were directed to different organizations to apply for work.

The coordinator of professorial staff trainings specifically mentioned that the following works were done right on time:

  • Qualifications Improvement / Education Curriculum Study and planning further steps towards its implementation
  • Collection of information on previously conducted trainings, report on the work done
  • Visits to the departments, establishing effective working relations and co-operation
  • Data collection of professorial staff, database entry
  • Thematic plan and schedule of the trainings organized for the transfer of experience for young lecturers
  • Clarification of the priorities of trainings and implementation of work

It was also mentioned that certain steps have been taken towards the trainings implementation.

The Head of the Department of Education Planning and Control reported on students’ activity of Full-time and part-time learning, 2018-2019 academic year first semester. Particularly, it was mentioned that as of November 1, 1400 students study at YSUIB, 553 Full-time learning system and 847:Part-time.

In the first semester of 2018-2019 academic year, 13 students transferred Full-time learning to part-time and 4 students: from Part-time learning to Full-time. In the same period, 37 students returned from the army, including 9 students of Full-time learning and 28 of Part-time learning. In connection with the conscription of the RA Armed Forces, 38 students of full and part-time learning were enrolled in the postponement.

The Head of Education planning and Control department at the same time briefly outlined that 13 graduates with high advancements have applied for a higher education (bachelor’s degree) in the branch Part-time learning in the 2018-2019 academic year.

 Three graduates of other universities have applied for second vocational education (Part-time learning) and 3 former students have applied for the restoration of student rights in the relevant specialties.

Head of the Department for Professional Orientation and Practice, in particular, mentioned that in 2018-2019 years, 55 Tavush region schools have graduates (XII graders). During October-November, the department held meetings together with university staff in 44 schools of Tavush region (including 4 high schools, one college, and 39 secondary schools) for professional orientation work. There were applicants from 29 schools of the region (Berd region – 5 schools, Noyemberyan region – 5 schools, Dilijan region – 4 schools, Ijevan region – 15 schools).

During 2018-2019 academic years, according to the curricula, there are 38 interns (pedagogical 14, industrial 10, and educational 10). During the first semester of the year 2 pedagogical internship were implemented, 1 pedagogical and 3 industrial internships are in the process of implementation, and in December,1 pedagogical, 2 industrial and 1 educational internships will be implemented. Overall, 35 students have completed the internship, 123 students are taking internships, 126 students will take internship in December.

The presented reports were taken into consideration by the board of Directors.


 On October 26 of 2018, at YSU Ijevan Branch, a board meeting was held headed by A. V. Tsutsulyan.


The meeting was attended by members of the Directorate, members of Department of Part-time Learning, Heads of other Departments of the branch.

On the agenda were the preparatory works related to mid-term exams for the first semester of 2018-2019 academic years, and preparations for the part-time learning course and several current issues.


Deans of four Departments reported on preparations related to mid-term exams for the first semester of 2018-2019 academic years.

They particularly mentioned that the necessary preparatory work was carried out at the faculties.

Mid-term exams tests and tickets have been completed and sealed, video cameras have been installed in the classrooms (№ 38, №39, №56, №57), where the written exams will be held.

Examination committees have been formed for the Oral Examinations from the professorial staff of the departments.

The preparations for the mid-term examinations of the 1st semester of the 2018-2019 academic years were assessed as satisfactory.


Zurabyan, Head of the Department of Part-time Learning, delivered a report on the preparations of lessons of Part-time education of 2018-2019 academic years 1st semester.

The speaker, presenting the works done, particularly mentioned that the schedule was already ready, the audience was fully clarified.

During the lecture, the issues of the educational, administrative and economic staff were touched upon and put an emphasis on the issue of security.

All the issues were discussed and appropriate solutions were provided.

The preparations for the Part-time learning course of the first semester of 2018-2019 academic years were assessed as satisfactory.



On October 17 of 2018, directorate session was held at Ijevan branch of Yerevan State University Foundation headed by A. V. Cuculyan.

On the agenda were the results of YSU IB 2018 academic year part-time learning admission, preparation for part-time learning courses of the first semester of the 2018-19 academic year, September expenses and incomes of the branch, issues connected with security, steps against plagiarism, as well as sending several staff members of the University to the Berd region for trainings (particularly members of Department of Professional Orientation and Practice), replenishment of YSUIB Library fund and a number of current issues.

Summarizing the results of 2018 academic year the admission process of part-time learning, A. Margaryan ,who was in charge of YSUIB part-time learning university admission committee, specifically mentioned that in 2018, from August 27 to September 25 (scheduled for September 20, extended for 5 days) the admission of applicants for part-time learning system was implemented at YSU IB.

133 applicants applied to YSU Ijevan branch, for 7 specialties (Elementary Pedagogy and Methodology, History, Finance (according to the field), Psychology, Environment and Nature Management, Informatics and Applied Mathematics, Tourism).

Prior to the admission examinations, YSU IB leading Lecturers have conducted free consultations for each subject. The admission exams has overcome with minimum results 40 out of 133 applicants, which, of course, was not satisfactory.

Head of the part-time Learning Department M. Zurabyan, mentioned that the schedule of all specializations was being compiled, the whole classroom fund was being worked out, the necessary work was being done to properly meet the 2018-19 academic year.

Mr. Cuculyan instructed the deans of faculties and the Head of the Department of part-time learning to be consistent that the heads of departments and the educational programs responsibles, actively take part in issues related to the organization of the lesson.

In connection with the issue of sending several staff members of the University to the Berd region for trainings, it was particularly mentioned that on October 16, a group of employees met with 194 pupils from 11 Berd schools to raise public awareness on admission education programs.

The purpose of the visit was to introduce YSU IB specialties to the 12th graders, changes in admission exams and proposed new programs.

Head of YSU IB library V. Poghosyan reported on the process of replenishment of the library fund of 2018-2019 academic years and assured that the events held by the library would be regular and periodic.



In 2018, on September 27,YSU Ijevan Branch Directorate session was held under the supervision of A. Cuculyan to monitor YSU IB examination of 2017-2018 academic year (full-time and part-time learning), to discuss branch subdivisions work plans of the 2018-2019 academic year, literature replenishment and a number of current issues.

Head of the Educational-Methodological Department A. Davtyan summed up the results of YSU IB 2017-2018 academic year.

Particularly, it was mentioned that 491 students of full-time system of education and 808 students of part-time learning system participated in the 2017-2018 academic year spring exam.

Eight students were enrolled in the army of full-time system of education and 28 students of part-time learning system until the end of the liquidation period.

10 students of full-time learning and 35 students of part-time learning have returned from intermission.

As a result of the examination, 3 students of full-time system of education and 22 students of part-time learning system were expelled from YSU Ijevan branch.

At the Directorate meeting, the results of the 2017-2018 academic year were evaluated as satisfactory.

Tshagharyan, Head of the Department of Professional Education Quality Assurance reported on the status of 2018-2019 academic year working plans of branch subdivisions.

The status of the 2018-19 academic year work plans was evaluated as satisfactory.

The head of the library V. Poghosyan presented information on replenishment of YSU IB Library, referring to the library fund as well as electronic resources of the 2017-2018 academic year.

In connection with the literature replenishment process, the deans were instructed to be consistent that within a week head of departments present their department educational literature requirements to the library.



 YSU Ijevan Branch Directorate session was held under the supervision of YSU IB Acting Director A. Cuculyan on September 19, in 2018.

At the Directorate session, the issues related to the ordering of YSU IB first year students of 2018-2019 academic year, academic year of the first semester, attendance of students, course offerings, lesson programs, planning of educational programs executives’ work and a number of current issues were under discussion.

During the session, the deans reported on the payment of tuition fees and the attendance of the students.

It was decided to complete the process of ordering of freshmen within the defined terms.

The condition of the attendance of YSU students of 2018-2019 academic year of first semester (for three weeks) was satisfactory.

The representatives of the subdivisions of the branch (deans, heads of departments, educational programs executives) were instructed to be consistent that at the beginning of each course, the students would be provided with mid-term exam questionnaire confirmed by the head of the department, the subject programs should be available, reviewed, updated and confirmed in a timely manner.